Retailer Quick Order Form - Sales

1) On desktop for best experience, log in to see your discounted prices (or sign up for an account).
2) Search for your desired products, add your desired quantities, and proceed to checkout from the cart page.
3) You can also add products through the Shop page and individual product pages using the main menu.

Filter by Game or Warehouse

    Note: You may order products labeled "Ship from US" in the same cart as products that ship from other regions.

    Image SKU Product Price (USD) UPC Order Quantity
    Dawn of Ulos: 77 Metal Dragon Coins TWK4602 Dawn of Ulos: 77 Metal Dragon Coins $25.00 N/A
    Tales of Ulos - Volume 1 TWK9100 Tales of Ulos - Volume 1 $15.00 9780646871295
    Lockup: Breakout (Expansion) TWK4001 Lockup: Breakout (Expansion) $20.00 680168938638
    Dawn of Ulos TWK4600 Dawn of Ulos $60.00 196852242467
    Lockup: Plastic Crew Tile Set TWK4003 Lockup: Plastic Crew Tile Set $10.00 688130561983
    Cape May TWK5005 Cape May $50.00 680168938591
    Roll Player: Dice Tower TWK2007 Roll Player: Dice Tower $15.00 688130561105